What Are The Scariest Ghost Encounters In History?

There is a wealthy history or terrifying and scary ghost stories, some are frightening enough to turn your blood cold! Ghost encounters have been recorded as far back as we can remember and many have become famous amongst fans of spooky stories.

Hampton Court Palace in London is home to one of England’s most famous ghosts. The Grey Lady is thought to haunt the palace, with many reports of her walking through hallways and haunting visitors to the palace.

Many people have said that they feel her presence in the palace, associating her with feelings of unease, upset and cold. The Grey Lady is thought to be the spirit of Sybil Penn, who was a nursemaid of King Henry VIIIs children who died in the palace in 1562 from smallpox.

The Tower Of London is also thought to be home to some scary ghouls. It is reported to be one of the most haunted places on earth and has several notable ghosts.

It is thought that the spirit of Ann Bolelyn, wife of Henry VIII, haunts the tower after she was beheaded there in 1536. Many people lost their lives at the tower of London over history, making it one of the most haunted and frightening places to visit in the world.

Over in America, one of the most frightening ghostly encounters is that of the Bell Family who were terrorised over several years by the Bell Witch. It is thought that the entity was the ghost of “Old Kate Batts”.

This legend states that from 1817 to 1821, John Bell and his family were under the attack of a hostile entity known as The Bell Witch. The family experienced many unexplained activities during this period, from strange noises to voices in the night and even physical assaults.

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